Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Elements of Design: Space

Unlike most pictures and drawings, the object of the picture is positive space, or space that is fill in. The object of this peice, however, is negative space, or the white around the black.

Elements of Design: Shape/Form

The overall shape drawing on the vase is a long and languid rectangular shape. Every objuect started as a rectangle and progressed.

Elements of Design: Texture

This drawing shows the texture of the lions main by using intricate detail in the right places.

Elements of Design: Value

This drawing uses various shades of black and grey, showing value in shadow and hihglighs.

Elements of Design: Color

This painting mainly uses a Red Monochromatic Scale for its color scheme.

Elements of Design: Line

The lines have different thicknesses, directions, focuses, and lengths.

Principles of Design: Theme

The theme of serenity is portrayed throughout this painting: all of the faces are calm and the setting they are in is very relazing.

Principle of Design: Contrast

The strak white of the bird is contrasting to the colors of the dark sky, and the contrast in the birds weight and the animals its carrying is another example.

Principles of Design: Rhythm

The rolling hill is smooth, and your eyes move along with it giving one the feeling of moving.

Principles of Design: Repetition

The spahe of clouds is repeated in the shape of the hay bales, and the whole painting is mundane, or sad and tired, like the man. Tthe angles of the clouds and hay bales are also examples of repetition.

Principles of Design: Unity

This sculpture shows complete unity. It was carved from one piece of wood, and if one figure were gone, the sculpture could not exist.

Principles of Design: Emphasis or Dominance

This picture clearly has an emphasis on the lips, which also happen to represent an emphasis on the broken view of beauty in media.

Principles of Design: Balance

This wood carving shows balance for, no matter what way it is cut in half, one side will be the exact same as the other, which show perfect symmetry, or balance.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009